Tuesday, October 16, 2012


i may be 40 years old with developmental and learning disabilities but i am still so very active and aware of what is around me but what i do know is that our socaity and some non-profits look at people with disabilities as a dieease and not as human beings and i hope to change that but what i want to do and get some people to do is donate some money to me because i want to go out into the community and do videos on socaity and non-profits and show what still has to be done because we are in the 21st centery and some things have goten better but people with disabilities are still the ones that no one wants to help or looks at them like get away and thats wrong and i dont even like how some times i get treated and i cant even get some services because some non-profits look at income and not the person disabilities and its like this they dont help or not as much because a person cant survive because they dont get a lot of money a month and then there are some that get a little more then some but still cant live as good but there income doesnt give them the help they need and thats wrong sociaty is very greaty and so selfish these days and that has to change and thats why i need to do my video work and i need all the help i can get this is so very inportent to me that it has to be done asap but i need to get a volunteer or two that will help because i cant do it along so please please help

Sunday, October 7, 2012

challenges with disabilities

people think when you have a disability that you cant do things like any one else but thats not true
i have had people in programs tell me i would never be able to be on my own or be able to drive
but thats wrong i have now been on my own and driving for over 12 years now so i want any body to know that dont listen to any one that says you cant because thats wrong and i am going to work on getting my seminars going to show and to tell all that its not what the persons disability is it is what they do with what they know or having the right people to help them