what really matters

i am just wanting to have my self a better life and make a big difference in my life but other peoples life to and what all i am doing or trying to do is so very inportent to me and my mother always gave me the gift to know what i can do even with my disabilities and know i can do what ever i set my mind to do but some times it doesnt help when all people care about is money and good credit and thats wrong how can people have a chance to prove them self being on a limited income or not so good credit we as the united states should be doing better to help the people that are trying so hard to make there lives better but its our socaity that doesnt want to let that happen i am burned out from trying so hard and at times not getting what im trying to do done or get the right help so whats the point when you have all the selfish people that dont care lifes about not what i cant do or what my credit is or isnt its about telling others and proving them wrong and not having any one saying you cant

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